All Sermons
Book: James
Wandering Sinners & Peking Ducks
26 January 2020 | James 5
The War Within
19 January 2020 | James 4:1-17
Problem of the Tongue
12 January 2020 | James 3:1-18
Faith That Works
15 December 2019 | James 2:14-26
Perfect Neighbour
8 December 2019 | James 2:1-3
When Trials Come
1 December 2019 | James 1
Faith Works
Powerful Prayer
24 July 2016 | James 5:13-20
Faith Works
Patient for the Lord’s return
17 July 2016 | James 5:7-12
Faith Works
The Wealth Test
10 July 2016 | James 4:13-5:6
Faith Works
Humble Yourselves!
3 July 2016 | James 4:1-12
Faith Works
The Power of Speech
26 June 2016 | James 3
Faith Works
You are justified by works and not by faith alone
19 June 2016 | James 2:14-26